An alcoholic beverage that targets all the allergies out there, and it deceptively looks like a Ramos Gin Fizz!
In a blender, combine all ingredients except Club Soda. If you have a frozen drink button on your blender, use this, or make sure to puree for at least 1 minute. Once blended, let this sit for 1 minute for the mixture to separate.
In a Tom Collins Glass, add ice and pour blended content 3/4 of the way. Top with a bit of the foam and add Club Soda.
This is one of those recipes that can easily be manipulated. I mentioned the saffron being optional, but I absolutely LOVED it in this drink. I also love this spice and know how well pineapple and saffron work together, but if you don't want to fork up the money, or don't like the taste, don't worry about it!