French Prince

We’ve got the second cocktail all lined up for my special #LDCTakeover with, and it uses one of my

Drizzy Drake Piña Pop

This title can seem very confusing for those popping into the site, so let me explain how Drake, Pineapples and

Sunny Ginger Swizzle

This is the result of a bright and sunny swizzle that met a ton of different spirits and a hit

You had me at Negroni

We’re taking a look at some of the classic variations of the Negroni cocktails, as Negroni week itches closer and

A Father’s Day Beertail

In honour of Father’s Day, I’m combining a few different inspirations, flavours and spirits that I think any Dad would

Clear Old Fashioned Cocktail

I’m breaking the rules on this National Bourbon Day by leaving you with a Canadian-Inspired, Colourless Old Fashioned. It’s mixed

Rain Man

Todays #LCFeature mixes up with a fellow Canadian that I absolutely love. This was her cocktail for World Whisky Day

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