Beet Beer Cleanse

I know how this sounds. It sounds outrageous and confusing, but it’s probably one of the BEST beer cocktails I’ve

Sloe Grape Run

Today we’re celebrating National Vodka Day with this very unique cocktail recipe. It’s mixed up with Belvedere Vodka, Sloe Gin,

Watermason Mule

Featuring one of the four cocktails created in my recent episode with CTV’s The Social. Check out how I’ve used

Dirty Pickle Martini

Featuring one of my favourite Drinkstagram accounts on the gram for today’s #LCFeature! She stirred up an amazing dirty martini

Prickly Morten Martini

In honour of Martini Day and Liquid Culture’s Wednesday #LCFeature, I thought I would highlight one of my favourite accounts

Meet Crystal Head Vodka

This is the first of what I assume will be many lovely features of unique brands and spirits, with this

Strawberry Rose Martini

This special martini is full of bite, using Crystal Head’s Aurora Vodka, Fresh Strawberries, Basil and Rose Water!

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