I’m celebrating World Cocktail Day with a very special cocktail that combines Mezcal, Yellow Chartreuse, Honey, Fresh Pineapple and Lemon Juice and a whiff of Basil.

Coming up with today’s cocktail was no easy task. Think about it. World Cocktail Day. That’s some intense pressure, coming from the woman that mixes up cocktails on the regular. What is the best cocktail? What do people crave day in and day out? For me, I’m all about Negroni’s, but I know the rest of the world doesn’t have my similar views.
So I went to the gram to find out what was your numero uno cocktail, and I asked the community what was their Ride or Die cocktail. AND let me tell you…it didn’t make the decision any easier.
Only a HANDFUL of cocktails were actually mentioned twice, and it was definitely not enough to make a significant impact. Every SINGLE one of you wanted something different from the next. Whether it be a flavour that stood out like passionfruit, or a spirit, or an all time classic, no two cocktails were pretty much mentioned. So I was back to square one. Trying to create something that everyone can enjoy.
There is a massive positive to all this. The fact that each and everyone of you have such different styles and tastes, pushes me to always whip up something unique. I also promise that Liquid Culture will continue to have a library of cocktail recipes that’s just right for you! I’m positive that for whatever scenario, environment or mood you’re in, there’s a cocktail for it, and it won’t be TOO complicated(ish)!
I’m sure you’re getting thirsty by now, so let’s talk about this cocktail! I decided to go with some classic flavours I know and love, and this is VERY easy to throw together at a moment’s notice. I know, I know. I say that all the time, but I truly believe this approachable mix of flavours is probably in your fridge now! It combines Mezcal, Fresh Pineapple Juice, Yellow Chartreuse, Fresh Basil and Honey. That’s it! Served over crushed ice for a bright, summery cocktail that I know you’ll enjoy. So cheers to World Cocktail Day and very every unique member on here!
No Smokey Business – Mezcal, Pineapple & Honey Cocktail
An outstanding blend of ingredients including a smokey Mezcal, fresh pineapple juice, honey and basil for a refreshing serve.
– Difficulty: Easy
- 1 oz Mezcal Del Maguey Used Here
- 2/3 oz Yellow Chartreuse
- 1.5 oz Fresh Pineapple Juice
- 1/3 oz Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
- 1/4 oz Honey
- 2 Basil Leaves 1 for garnish
Grab your cocktail shaker and rip 1 Basil leaf in half and place inside. Add the rest of the ingredients, and fill your shaker half way with ice.
Shake and double strain over crushed ice and garnish with last Basil leaf.